Home birth in Massachusetts

Welcome to the world baby sign for birth photography in rhode island
Birth Photographer in Massachusetts documenting the water birth of Luciano
Documenting the details of Luciano's bedroom while we wait for his sweet arrival

This mama, I will call, warrior mama. This beautiful mama would like to remain anonymous, and only limited photos will be shared. She contacted me during her last few weeks of pregnancy, hoping I was booking, mainly because of COVID-19. We chatted a lot via email until we could schedule a FaceTime consultation to discuss her birth plan. This woman was a go-with-the-flow type of lady—and super laid back! Warrior Momma surpassed her due date, and I was getting anxious due to my move. Welp guess what? I got that text message right while I was in the midst of moving into my new apartment.

When I arrived, she had a house full of close loved ones and two women specializing in chakra healing. Warrior Momma was laboring beautifully and very fast. Before I knew it, her baby boy had arrived on earth's side with a room filled with joy, love, and admiration. This birth and client will always hold a special place in my heart because of the beautiful gift I received while being present at this birth. The two women specializing in chakra healing and therapy gave me something I will never forget. They were doing their thing with me—mid cleansing Amy stopped to ask me a question.

Amy: Do you have a grandmother whom you were close with that passed away?

Me: ah...yeah...(completely blown away)

Amy: she wants you to know she's with you, and she's always looking over you.

Me: speechless

After they finished doing their thing—Amy apologized if she had upset me, but she is a medium, and my grandmother admitted to getting through. I had never met either of these women before, so for her to say it randomly, I knew it was true. Sometimes it's strangers who give you the most beautiful gifts. Being invited into a woman's birthplace is something I do not take lightly. As a birth photographer, these are very sacred and transformative moments that leave my heart full.